Oct 10, 2023Liked by David Attermann

On first sight, it looks a bit like the newly announced data streams from Chainlink don't you think?

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I think the better comp is the graph's substream product (https://thegraph.com/blog/substreams-parallel-processing/).

chainlink's data streams are for off-chain data and the mechanics are very different.

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Aaah ok I thought data streams were also about on chain. Thanks!

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How does this tie in with the partnerships they've touted with clients such as Entain? This pivot to Web3 did go largely unnoticed, perhaps because for years all we heard about and all that was marketed revolved around Web 2.0, and optimizing it.

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I'd recommend reading through management's AMA on the pivot (https://www.syntropynet.com/post/community-ama-recap), they touch on this specific question. My interpretation is the previous Stack product and GTM efforts are sunk costs at this point (my words, not theirs). from their AMA:

"Will OBX remain the main target for future use?

The move to provide this low latency data layer for blockchain data is because we believe we can bet faster adoption to send a lot of data through the protocol and token economy. Hundreds of chains added to the layer and millions of applications streaming and interacting with blockchain data will be the main factor of data usage growth for the data layer and the token in the near future. Latency optimization traffic usage is growing in a more organic way as Web3 is now facing unprecedented scalability challenges and growth."

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