May 18, 2023Liked by David Attermann

This is a great article! Only correction is that Bittensor is *not* a polkadot parachain, it is a standalone L1 blockchain running using the Polkadot Substrate SDK.

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much appreciated!

and that's interesting, aren't all parachains technically standalone L1s running substrate?

looks like bittensor won parachain auction #36 no?



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May 22, 2023Liked by David Attermann

Yes, but Bittensor decided it was too early to launch as a parachain (yet?) and even though they are keeping their Kusama and Polkadot slots, they are continuing as standalone project for the foreseeable future

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May 25, 2023Liked by David Attermann

Great article, never seen such an in-depth and understandable explanation of Bittensor

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